Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Probation: Crime and California College Attended

John Augustus is credited with being the father of probation. A Boston shoemaker, Augustus spent his spare time observing what took place in the courts. Disturbed that minor offenders and common drunks were often forced to remain in jail because they had no money to pay off their fines, he convinced authorities to let him pay their fines and offered them friendly supervision. When the defendants later came into court for sentencing, Augustus would report on his progress toward reformation. Augustus efforts encouraged his home state of Massachusetts to pass the first probation statue in 1878. Four more states had followed suit by 1900. Probation was thus established as a legitimate alternative to incarceration. The first juvenile court was in Cook County, Illinois in 1899. The enabling legislation eventually passed at state and federal levels not only enacted statutes that permitted probation, but eventually defined specific categories of offenses for which probation could not be granted. It is clear that the legislators enacting probation statues intended juvenile offenders and misdemeanants to be its beneficiaries, not hard core criminal offenders. Probation is a sentence serves while under supervision in the community. Its goal is to retain some control over criminal offenders while using community programs to help rehabilitate them. Today, probation is the most common form of criminal sentencing in the United States. Those sentenced to probation must agree to abide by court mandated conditions of probation, with a violation of conditions possibly leading to probation revocation. Two types of conditions are general and specific. General conditions apply to all probationers in a given jurisdiction and usually require that the probationer obey all laws, maintain employment, remain within the jurisdiction of the court and possess no firearms. Specific conditions may be mandated by a judge who feels that the probationer is need of particular guidance or control. Depending on the nature of the offense, a judge may require that the offender surrender his or her driver’s license; supply breath, urine, or blood samples as needed for drug or alcohol testing. The judge may also dictate special conditions tailored to the probationer’s situation. The rapid growth of serious and violent crime in America during the 2980’s contributed to prison overcrowding and spurred a movement toward the increase in the use of felony probation. Prison overcrowding and bulging jails forced the correctional administrators to take a close look at some other categories of felons for relief of an over taxed system. Front end solutions are alternatives sentences such as probation and intermediate punishments that include house arrest, deferred prosecution, electronic monitoring. Back end solutions refer to ways used to reduce prison populations, after the offender arrives in prison. Often viewed as â€Å"early out† or â€Å"extended limits† options: parole, shock parole, expanded good time credits to count against minimum sentence, work and educational furlough, prerelease to halfway houses. Name: Essie Stevens Position: Probation Officer, San Bernardino, California College Attended: Howard University (BS, Criminal Justice) What criminal justice related jobs have you held? Straight out of high school, I took a job as a security guard at the local mall. I had no experience but they took a chance with me. I learned a lot from working there. After about 9 months, I left for college. After college, I pretty much had it in my mind I wanted to be a probation officer. I read on the internet that a small California town needed members of their team. I scheduled a meeting and I’ve been here ever since. How would you describe the interview process? It actually was pretty easy. I stood before three members of the Department of Corrections. I was asked a few questions. I was hired on spot. To this day, I still do not know if it was because my resume was excellent or if it was because they were in desperate need of staff. Please describe your job I am a probation officer for about 115 men, women, and juveniles. My role is to keep tabs on their progress, make sure they are heading down the right paths. I attend court with most of them every 3 weeks to inform the judge of their progress. I also see each of them at least once a week in order to ensure they are complying with all conditions of the program. What is the typical starting salary for this position? $17. 35 per hour What qualities or characteristics are most helpful for this job? You have to be strong and you must have a backbone. I’m not saying you have to be tough all the time but you need to let the offender know you may be nice but you’re about business. You have to be firm in making decisions. Do not let the offender walk all over you. It’s okay to have friendly conversations but always keep it professional. Get to know the offender. I have found that it’s easier for the offender to open up to you when you show interest in their lives. What is a typical day like for you? From the time I come into work (9am) to the time I leave (10pm), I am either meeting with my new juvenile offenders or checking up on the older ones. I usually break for half an hour to review paperwork. What career advice would you give someone in college beginning studies? Pay attention. Trust me; you’re learning some real important material. Apply for internships; they will help in the long run. Network! Now is the time to get in good with as many professionals as possible.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Utilization of Marigold Extract as Household Insecticide

UTILIZATION OF MARIGOLD EXTRACT (Tagestes erecta L. ) AND CIGARETTE BUTTS AS HOUSEHOLD INSECTICIDE INTRODUCTION Most insecticides effective for household use are inorganic which tend to be harmful to the user and to the environment. Recent statistics show that 75% of households use some form of insecticide, with much of this being used indoors. They are used to kill ants and roaches, mosquitoes, flea and tick. By design these products are all intended to be lethal – to insects that is! People can be affected to some degree as all. Thus, this study aimed to develop an alternative household insecticide utilizing the Extract from Marigold Plant (Tagetes erecta L. ) and recycled cigarette butts as highly economic, environmentally safe and user friendly insecticide preparation with no cost. Marigold Plant is said to contain an active ingredient, phototoxin Alpha-terthienyl which functions as a nematicide. It is more effective when it is being exposed to sunlight since it generates its phototoxin which makes an interesting natural insecticide. Statement of the Problem: This study aims to investigate the feasibility of Marigold Extract as an alternative household insecticide. Specifically the study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What are the active chemical components found on Marigold Extract making it ideal as an insecticide alternative? 2. Is there a significant difference on the effect of different Marigold Extract Concentrations on the mortality rate of the insects? 3. Is the use of Marigold Extract feasible as a household insecticide? Significance of the Study The quality of the environment in which people work, live or play, the health of individuals, the quality of certain goods such as food products can all be affected by insects of different kinds. From time to time, it happens that new kinds of diseases even appear in our environment which are spread around by insects imported from remote areas together with goods. Insecticides can help to address these cases of emergencies. This study aimed to develop an alternative household insecticide utilizing the Extract from Marigold Plant (Tagetes erecta L. ) and recycled cigarette butts as highly economic, environmentally safe and user friendly insecticide preparation with no cost. The result of the study is expected to give information and knowledge to widely addressed the growing demand of ridding these irritating insects out of our sights at the expense of those materials that we could actually found inside our household. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS Cigarette butts – are the residue bottom part of a cigarette containing alkaloid nicotine. Extract – obtain something from source: to obtain something from a source, usually by separating it out from other material Insects – are a  class  of living creatures that have a  three-part body three pairs of jointed   and two  antennae. Just like mosquitoes, cockroaches, tick, fleas. Insecticides- An  insecticide  is a  pesticide  used against  insects. They include ovicides and  larvicides  used against the  eggs  and  larvae  of insects respectively. Marigold – is an erect, smooth, branched, rank-smelling herb, o. 3 to 0. 8 meters high. Leaves are 4 to 7 cm long, deeply pinnatifid with linear-lanceolate segments. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Marigold (Tagetes erecta L. ) is an erect, smooth, branched, rank-smelling herb, o. 3 to 0. 8 meters high. Leaves are 4 to 7 cm long, deeply pinnatifid with linear-lanceolate segments. Heads are solitary, 1. 5 to 2 cm in diameter, borne on long peduncles, which are thickened upward. Flowers are pale to deep yellow, sometimes red. Flowers yield a yellow crystalline substance, quercetagetine. The dye was found several shades browner than quercetin. (http://www. primaryinfo. com/industry/tagetes-oil. htm) Marigold Plant is said to contain an active ingredient, phototoxin Alpha-terthienyl which functions as a nematicide. It is more effective when it is being exposed to sunlight since it generates its phototoxin which makes an interesting natural insecticide. Study of roots, leaves and flowers yielded thiophenes, steroidal and terpenoidal type constituents. And these secretions coming from the extracted part provides an insecticidal effect on the soil, against nematodes and keeled slugs and insects. (http://www. homeremedycentral. com) While marigolds (Tagetes species) are typically grown for ornamental purposes as bedding plants, studies have found that they can be highly toxic to plant-parasitic nematodes and are capable of suppressing a wide range (up to 14 genera) of nematode pests. Marigold plants produce a number of potentially bioactive compounds, among which ? therthienyl is recognized as one of the most toxic. This sulfur-containing compound is abundant in marigold tissues, including roots. It has nematicidal, insecticidal, fungicidal, antiviral, and cytotoxic activities, and it is believed to be the main compound responsible for the nematicidal activity of marigold. (Topp, E. , S. Miller, H. Bork, and M. Welsh. 1998. ) The contr ol of insect populations  is the reason for the use of insecticides. The suffix ‘-cide' refers to killing. The term may refer to sprays that are chemical, homemade, or organic. The more powerful insecticides have the capability of almost totally eliminating an insect population from a specified area. The less powerful may require several appliations before the desired effects become obvious. (http://wiki. answers. com) METHODOLOGY Inventions have evolved and continue to evolve such that after several years of study, research and experimentation reach great developments. With continuing efforts to investigate the constituents of Philippine plants, we have pursued investigation of the feasibility of Marigold Extract as an ideal component for a household insecticide. Marigold plant parts (Flowers and leaves) were gathered, ground and squeezed and extracted. Extracting the Plant and Cigarette Butts 1. Gather  and collect 3 partitions of (75 grams, 50 grams and 25 grams) of Marigold Plants and leaves. 2. Wash the parts and pound separately with the use of mortar and pestle. 3. Placed the pounded parts into a cheesecloth to squeezed the extract. 4. Gather three, 25 grams of cigarette butts. Remove the cigarette wrappers to expose the tobacco. 5. Pound the tobacco to fine powder using mortar and pestle. 6. Passed the powdered tobacco through a mesh sieve. Preparing the Insecticide Concentrations For Set-up 1: 1. Combined the 75 grams extracted Marigold Plant with 25 grams pounded tobacco from cigarette butts. 2. Add 100 ml of water and 1. 5 grams of detergent powder as surface active agent. 3. Filter the mixture with a cheesecloth. 4. Label the product and let it stay for 2 hours before using. For Set-up 2: 1. Combined 50 grams of extracted Marigold Plant with 25 gram pounded cigarette butts. 2. Do the same procedure with that of Set-up 1. For Set-up 3: 1. Combined 25 grams of Extracted Marigold Plant with 25 gram pounded cigarette butts. . Do the same procedure with that of the 2 Set-ups. 3. Label the product and ready for use as an insecticide spray. Statistical Tools Used After the data were all gathered, it was tabulated and interpreted using the following statistical tools. A. Percentage – is used in ranking the mortality rate of each sample insects using the different set-ups. X where x= mortality rate % = n (100) n = tot al number of observation B. Mean is used to determine whether there exists significant relationship among the variables. fo where fo = total number of observed samples x= n n = no. of set-ups RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the results, analyzes and interprets the findings in accordance with the specific problems of the study. The main concern of the study is to determine the feasibility of Marigold Extract as an active component for household insecticide. Table 1. Effect of Marigold Concentrations on the Mortality of Insects |Set-ups |No. of Mosquitoes |Percentage (%) |No. of Cockroaches |Percentage (%) | |. 10 |100 |10 |100 | |Set-up 1 | | | | | |Set-up 2 |8 |80 |7 |70 | |Set-up 3 |8 |80 |6 | 60 | |Total |26 |87% |23 |77% | |Mean |8. 7 | |7. 66 | | Based on the table above, results showed that Set-up 1 got the highest mortality rate in both Mosquito and Cockroaches Sample. Out of 10 Mosquitoes and Cockroaches, Set-up 1 got a 100% mortality rate. It was then followed b y the concentration of Set-up 2 with 80% mortality rate for mosquito samples and 70% for cockroaches. Lastly Set-up 3 got 80% mortality rate for mosquito sample and 60% for cockroaches sample respectively. Table 2. The Frequency of Spray Concentration on Mortality of Insects |Set-ups |Frequency of Spray | | |Mosquito |Cockroach | |Set-up 1 |6 |10 | |Set-up 2 |9 |12 | |Set-up 3 |12 |15 | |Mean |9 |12. 33 | Table 2 shows the Frequency of Spray for each Set-up concentrations towards mortality of insect samples. Set-up 1 got the least number of sprays required for the insect to totally rid. Followed by Set-up 2 and Set-up 3 respectively. The three Set-ups got a Mean of 9 sprays for Mosquito samples and 12 sprays for Cockroach samples. FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents the summary of the findings of the study regarding the feasibility of Marigold Extract and Cigarette butts as Household Insecticide. Conclusions drawn from the results gathered as well as the possible recommendation of researchers are presented in this chapter. Summary of Findings Results of the study revealed the following findings: 1. Among the three set-ups being introduced, Set-up 1 (75 g Marigold Extract Concentration) got the highest mortality rate among insect samples. Out of 10 insect samples, Set-up 1 got 100% mortality rate. 2. Among the three set-ups, Set-up 1 (w/ 75 g Marigold Extract) got the least number of frequency needed in spraying the insects to totally rid them. Conclusions: Based from the summary of findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The greater is the concentration of Marigold Extract, the greater also is the mortality rate of the insect samples. 2. The greater is the concentration of Marigold Extract, the least number of spray is needed to totally rid those insect samples. 3. There is a significant difference between the concentration of Marigold extract and its effect towards the Mortality rate of insects. 4. Marigold Extract can be utilized as an active component for an alternative household insecticide. Although its shelf life is short. The formulations lasted five days before molds were observed. Recommendations: 1. Future studies will be conducted to enhance or lengthen the utilization period (expiry period) of the insecticide. 2. Another active ingredients can be added to the mixture to enhance its feasibility as household insecticide. 3. Essential Oils can be added to avoid the stingy-irritating odor of insecticide. BIBLIOGRAPHY Leopold, A. Carl. (1994). Plant Growth and Development: Pest Control. USA:McGraw Hill Inc. pp 327-336. Topp, E. , S. Miller, H. Bork, and M. Welsh. (1998. ) Botany: Wonders of Marigold. New York: Harper and Row, Publishing Inc. pp. 301 – 315. Miller, H. Bork, and M. Welsh. 1998. Effects of marigold (Tagetes sp. ) roots on soil Microorganisms. Biology and Fertility of Soils 27: 149–154 http://www. primaryinfo. com/industry/tagetes-oil. htm http://www. homeremedycentral. com http://wiki. answers. com

Monday, July 29, 2019

S4 W8 Second WA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

S4 W8 Second WA - Assignment Example They do not believe on aiding people solely but they also seek ways to empower and educate people to become self-sufficient. They work on two approaches which they believe will help the developing world. 1- Jeffery Sachs established the foundation of The Millennium Village model. The basic aim behind the establishment of such village is to being improvement and empowerment in the community (Sachs, 2005). This improvement revolves around crop production, education, creating health awareness, better infrastructure and many more. 2- They are committed to facilitate people on the concept of microcredit introduced by Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh (Yunus, 2003). Through this concept, AVPA lends small loans to skilled women in village. This approach helps them to become successful entrepreneurs and improve their living standards. APVA is different from other NGOs because they are committed to improve the living standards of the people in African villages. They do not believe on aiding the people but they also believe on making the most through their skills. Their microcredit program has helped them to attain their goals in alleviating poverty, hunger, improved healthcare facilities, and education and in other spheres of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Shelly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Shelly - Essay Example This story can be seen as an allegory about the theme nature versus nurture. It shows that even monsters are capable of love and even a harmless creature can be turned into a monster, given the treatment that he or she receives from his or her creator or the people around him or her. To give more clarity to the theme, nature versus nurture, in Frankenstein, Shelly has used a set of verbal imagery including the images of fire, light, gloomy weather, remote settings, violence and finally death. The way in which the narrator in the story get cast away from mythical stories, which are very close to nature and get drawn towards science which was in some way opposite to nature, is by watching a lightning burning down a tree to ashes (Shelly, 56-58). Here, the light and fire is metaphoric of the transformation of the author from being a person fascinated by nature into someone who has the confidence to command nature, who believes in nurture rather than nature. And when Frankenstein narrate s his own inner story to his creator, the imagery of fire is repeated and the reader hears the monster wondering about the nature of fire in the following words: I found a fire†¦and was overcome with delight at the warmth I experienced from it. In my joy, I thrust my hand into the live embers, but quickly drew it out again with a cry of pain. How strange, I thought, that the same cause should produce such opposite effects (Shelley, 218). This is a profound depiction of the basic contradiction involved within the evil-good duo, which can also be interpreted as a reflection of nature- nurture duality as well. Because in nature there is no evil or good as such and they exist only within a frame created by human beings. So it can be argued that evil is an after-effect of nurture. And the fire teaches that simple lesson to the monster who is just like a new born baby unaware of good and evil, and who is just learning to tread the earth and the landscape of humanity. Throughout the s tory, people are seen seeking refuge around a wood fire to talk, to understand the contradictions of life better (Shelley, 257). Similarly, there is also mention of the â€Å"feverish fire† glimmering in the eyes of Frankenstein even when his health is failing him (Shelley, 254). Here, fire is the life force, the passion that keeps one alive. Fire is the boundary between life and death, between nature and nurture. In the same way, light is used as an imagery that represents knowledge- the point at which humans depart from nature and enters the realm of nurture. This is why Frankenstein is seen observing that â€Å"I began also to observe, with greater accuracy, the forms that surrounded me, and to perceive the boundaries of the radiant roof of light which canopied me† (Shelly, 217). Again the reference to knowledge is made when narrator says, â€Å"as exemplified in the change from life to death, and death to life, until from the midst of this darkness a sudden light broke in upon me† (Shelly, 84). This was the moment of knowing the secret of life. This was the point of transition from simply living the nature to nurturing life. But the same light becomes â€Å"oppressive† for Frankenstein because it is the growing existential knowledge that becomes an unbearable curse for him (Shelly, 214). And this is why, towards the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business Ethics is Not an Option Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Ethics is Not an Option - Essay Example Analysis leads to the conclusion that observance of business ethics is not optional. Every business venture aims at flourishing in the modern marketplace. There are several methods of achieving including the application of marketing strategies for sales increase, manufacturing and production concepts for cost-effectiveness and organizational management for over-all company harmony. However, the concept of an ethically-run business as necessary for the company to succeed is becoming more and more recognized. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a by word for many business professionals. Although it is generally observing ethics and morals in business dealings, CSR is thought to comprise of activities such as supporting charities is CSR, funding anti-crime and poverty programs, exceeding legal or regulatory obligations in areas of business operation such as health and safety and consumer rights, managing the supply chain to ensure that suppliers respect human rights is CSR and taking measures to ensure that products do not harm the environment. (Kotler and Nancy 2004, p. 3) Our concern is not so much in defining CSR but in determining whether the observance of business ethics is optional or not. This paper will argue that business ethics is necessary and beneficial for the business firm. ... Increased Job Performance Quality The reason why a field in business called Human Resources Management (HRM) exists is that it was long recognized that there is a need to ensure that employee issues are properly addressed. One of the secrets of successful business companies is that they were able to derive extra commitment from all employees resulting to unprecedented quality and responsiveness in products and services along with heroic frugality, incredible levels of integration and collaboration within and without the organizations, and especially to pull off continuous, brilliant, and cheap innovation. According to the only way one can "manage" high level human output is to set the conditions for everyone doing their best: including support of the core competencies of people, their ability to self-organize, their ability to change and grow. A company can achieve this if it fosters trust and build organizational cultures in which freedom and personal initiative can cohabit with cooperation, caring and a highly integrated harmony. Only thru a sincere observance of business ethics can the company assure that its employees do not stage rallies, release negative public statements regarding the company, resign and reveal company trade secrets. Being ethical also helps in attracting excellent and skilled professionals to work for the company. The Industrial Society for the UK (in Price 2002) reports that "82% of UK professionals claimed that they would not work for an organisation whose values they did not believe in" and that "among smaller businesses, the survey showed that 62% of owner managers were influenced by their employees to be more socially active." Consumer Preference Observing moral and ethical values in the conduct of business does not

Friday, July 26, 2019

Short story that is character driven Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Short story that is character driven - Essay Example My mother used to say it, my teacher at school said it, but nothing in my life bore this out’, I paused to check if she was with me. She was listening intently, leaning forward a little. ‘Go on, Roy, it’s something I’ve always believed in†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ ‘Then you have got to hear this’, I cut in and settled back heavily as the sofa springs creaked in protest. My eyes glazed over to that day six years back. *** The rain had been falling in a steady torrent through the night. Whether it was the thunder that had raged night-long or the steady thumping of my adrenalin, I had been able to sleep barely a wink. My head pounded with thoughts of what I would say at the meeting: ‘Yes sir, I am a qualified chef†¦.. been to the best catering school in the country†¦. I have the training and the experience†¦.. have been saving up for this break†¦.. give it to me†¦..give it to me†¦.. oh, give it to me†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ The wor ds raced through my mind, sometimes reaching my lips, sometimes dying away as new thoughts leapt up. Would they think me good enough to make the investment? What if I fumbled? Was I stepping too much out of a comfort zone? What if I lost the initial deposit, my life’s treasure, if I didn’t bag the deal? At this, I jerked out of bed and felt the sweat trickle down the back of my T-shirt. I walked over to the tiny kitchenette and switched on the light. As warm light flooded my little nest, my nerves steadied and I glanced at my reflection in the cut-glass framed mirror in the passage. Bright eyes, a determined mouth and a springy shock of dark hair stared back at me. My teacher’s words came back, ‘Roy, you are the best I ever saw. You are not just a great chef, you have in it you to be an entrepreneur†¦. Go for it my boy’. I had gone to see Mr. Dias when I saw the ad in the newspaper. 50,000 dollars deposit, catering school background, proven exp ertise, a go-getting spirit and the drive to set up and manage an international catering franchise in Mumbai. The company, Great Grub, was an international chain looking for a young person with the above qualifications to set up their first venture in India. Besides the 50,000 dollars that I had to put up to enter the fray, they would take pick up the tab on the entire rigmarole – real estate, marketing, staffing, kitchen operations, everything. Woo hoo, it was a dream come true. Tailor-made, answer to all my prayers, the one thing I needed to jumpstart my career to the big league. As I put water to boil for that cup of coffee I so needed, I remembered the wrench I had felt those two months back when I had to finally dig into the bank deposit that my mother had begun the day I was born. ‘When you need it for your studies or something big, it will be there for you’, she would say. In those carefree growing-up years those words had meant little and the first time t he existence of that tidy sum registered was when her lawyer handed me the papers on my eighteenth birthday, a year after she was gone. As I sipped my coffee pensively, I recalled how much she had wanted me to make it big, how she had stood by me like a rock when I wanted to follow my heart to catering school, how she had rebuffed all those who had scorned my choice of career as too ‘girly’. ‘This one is going to be for you, mom’, I whispered. The day began to break in, as it normally did – a little sliver of light crept in from the east window, picking out first the chintz covered sofa and then the antique center table in

Scenario planning for the future of Energy Essay

Scenario planning for the future of Energy - Essay Example After decades of thought and consideration, countries have mutually consented to get rid of cars altogether. Now, in 2030, roads are crowded with bicycles. People are generally happy to use bicycles because they have not only obviated the need to use oil, but has also rapidly decreased the number of road accidents. The bicycle-bicycle collision is far less as deadly and dangerous as a car-car collision used to be few years ago. Besides, regular peddling has been a good source of exercise and has helped people burn their calories. In the midst of Shanghai lives Chen with his family in a condominium. Today is Chen’s final exam, and he needs to get into the school within fifteen minutes. He lives one and a half miles away from the school. He catches his bicycle, but the tire is punctured. He can not wave to a taxi because there are no taxies, no bus, no car whatsoever! Mum and dad have gone to work over their respective bicycles. Chen has only two options to reach the school, eit her walk his way up to the school, or else, seek lift from somebody else. But most bicycles are overloaded because that is the only thing people have as a means of travel. Normally, if a person does not have a bicycle of his own, he/she has to suffer, though Chen is lucky enough to find a cyclist, Koto, with no one sitting on the back seat. Chen asks Koto the favor to drop him to school. Koto agrees to do the job provided that Chen purchases him a tin of cooking oil since he comes from a very poor family and can not afford to buy the cooking oil. Chen agrees and the two set off. Second Story: Saudi Arabia is suffering from a financial crisis as a result of her inability to meet the global demands of oil. Saudi Arabia’s predictions of her oil reserves have turned out to be overstatements which had no concern with reality. In reality, Saudi oil reserves had been depleting at a dangerous rate and much of the oil has been drawn out of the known reserves till 2025. For the last fi ve years, Saudi Arabia has reduced the supply of oil and is now suffering from a financial crisis. Ted, a teenager, turns the TV on to hear the news. Newscaster: Saudi Arabia’s attitude is being criticized for the turmoil in oil supply. For the past twenty years, Saudi Ministers have been making unnecessarily optimistic statements about their ability to make uninterrupted and sustained supply of oil to the world for a long period of time. Saudi Ministers have always been reluctant to get their oil reserves audited nor have they ever revealed accurate information about the volume of oil reserves. Much of the disparity in the demand and supply of oil in the contemporary age is attributed to the non-serious and inconsiderate attitude and short-term vision of the oil producing companies in Saudi Arabia. Experts are of the view that had Saudi Arabia allowed the auditing of her oil reserves and generate correct information about the oil reserves, it would have been possible for the world to take precautionary measures in time. The economy of Saudi Arabia has declined as a result of the reduced oil supply. Third Story: The New York City in 2030 looks totally different from the way it looked in 2010. On the roof of every house, there is a solar panel that faces the sun and revolves according to it in order to keep its surface exposed to the sunlight throughout the day. On every garage, there is a car that is driven by biofuel or electricity. Every individual

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Closing the global digital divide A call for home grown solutions Essay

Closing the global digital divide A call for home grown solutions - Essay Example For instance, the mobile phone can be considered to have lessened the digital divide as a result of its ability to saturate the market, but one could argue that this has largely been due to lower costs being passed onto the customer. The study by Russell and Drew (2001) acknowledges the impact of the mobile phone by not including this technology in the survey. "The digital divide is also most likely to affect lone parents and those who are already at a disadvantage in the community such as individuals with disabilities and those with little or no education" (Russell and Drew 2001). Narrowing the digital divide in this instance would be particularly advantageous to these groups as such technologies would probably facilitate communication and social involvement. For example, those with mobility problems or severe restrictions on their mobility can partake in online forums and groups to reduce social loneliness. Internet technologies also enable communication in the way of video calls for those not able to travel. Local and central governments are also introducing online services such as paying for car related services (e.g. car tax, renewals and applications) online (DVLA) which reduces the need to travel thus adding convenience. The factors mentioned in this introduction suggest that a widening digital divide is related to certain social a nd economic issues, and this has driven the need to close the digital divide. Closing the digital divide is important for a number of reasons, one of which includes the reduction of poverty (Hargittai 2003). The reduction of poverty is often associated with improving basic amenities such as water and electricity, which could be said to be true of developing countries. However, when one considers the developed countries that already have such amenities in place, the reduction of poverty takes on a different meaning. In the developed countries, access to digital technologies is said to affect access to services and quality of life in some cases (Hargittai 2003). For instance, those with access to digital technologies are able to access a wider range of services and markets with ease, such as internet banking, online trading and the benefits of interactive communication; whilst those without access will remain devoid of such knowledge and will not have the opportunity to partake in this digital world in order to advance themselves or their careers. On an interna tional level, the reduction of poverty by closing the digital divide is being suggested as a means of combating of terrorism which is considered to have its roots in poverty (Hargittai 2003). For example, it is reported on local and national media that terrorist activities and plotters have their roots in parts of Asia and the Middle East which are lacking in basic amenities and technology. This lack in digital technology is said to isolate such

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Top Cinema & Sound term paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Top Cinema & Sound term paper - Essay Example In this regard Ridley Scott’s Prometheus is a classic example. Prometheus is a science fiction genre movie released in 2012. Its stellar cast comprising of Charlize Theron, Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender and Idris Elba, mind blowing visual aesthetics and acoustics, and unusual directorial dynamics make it truly a worthwhile watch. This paper examines Prometheus from numerous perspectives including direction, sound design, visual effects and salient mise-en-scene features. Prometheus is set in late 21st century (year 2093) and therefore, a futuristic ambience is evident in the entire movie. A team of scientists embark on an expedition in Prometheus to a distant world, an Earth-sized moon LV223 orbiting around a gigantic planet, to find clues about the origin of mankind or the creator of human race called the Engineer. Eventually, the movie transforms into a battle for survival of mankind. Visual effects make the impact of a sci-fi movie extremely strong Prometheus is truly a stylistic movie in this aspect with its stunning visuals and CGI effects. The film is Scott’s first full 3D directorial attempt but it appears as if he is an expert in this domain. Scott’s finesse on the art becomes apparent right from the first frame where an inhuman character is shown seeding the Earth with life. The scene’s captivating impact has been enhanced by the cold and white atmosphere and audience instantly understand the theme of the movie. Sci-Fi genre is not about showcasing marvels of technology but about embodying it and employing a forward reach in both narration and technology (Whittington 115). In Prometheus the amalgamation of VFX and realism is brilliant as it ultimately creates a believable aura without bombarding the audience with excessive high-tech gadgetry and animation (Lambert 7). Prometheus has more than 1400 3D VFX or visual effects but the subtlety of VFX gets proven from

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

New York Police Department Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

New York Police Department - Assignment Example Particularly in policing and law enforcement, the effectiveness of the personnel involved in the law enforcing process is a major factor of concern. The New York Police Department (NYPD) is such a law enforcing organization that has a wonderful history of promoting social security and communal harmony among the New Yorkers. Since New York is the largest city in the world, the expectations and challenges in the daily life of the people are largely subject to legal implications from the social vulnerabilities. The following points can give a detailed picture of the origin, development and the prominence of the NYPD in the legal and community perspectives. 1. The History of the New York Police Department The New York Police Department (NYPD) is one of the world’s most efficient crime investigation and law enforcement bodies with a very large spectrum of operation in the US. A particularly British model of patrolling and law enforcement was prevalent during the first two centuries since the institution of Schout-fiscal as the law officers in the Dutch domains of America. From the evidences of literature, the inception of the organized form of the city police department took place in 1844. As the first large scale operation of the NYPD under the leadership of Matsell, the Chief of Police, a force of around eight hundred personnel started patrolling in the city in 1845. As Berry (2000, p. 4) points out, the NYPD was set up with the focus of peaceful social life in the five boroughs of the demography of the city, and under the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, the organization was liberated from the political influences to stand as an independent body of law enforcement. Now the NYPD is the largest policing agency in the US with the power and efficiency to use ultra modern weapons and sophisticated technology to trace criminals and in most cases, prevent crimes in advance. 1. A. Mission of the NYPD The NYPD is all fit to care for the public safety and the prosp erity of the community by adhering to its organizational missions and objectives. As the largest legal system in the country, the expectations of the department are very high and have to be maintained with high integrity among the personnel. The mission of the NYPD is a conglomeration of the missions of many departments interlinked in the organizational structure. The functional missions of these departments jointly work for the effect of reduced crimes and sustainable social and personal security for individuals, organizations and properties in the city of New York (mission statement, NYPD). The mission of the Property Clerk Division is to procure and produce the properties as evidence required by the judiciary and return or dispose them after due trial of the case. The support service bureau is the backbone for the monitoring of crimes and locations in a high-tech way with the access of internet and GIS and GPS systems. Another unit of the NYPD governs the counterterrorist operati ons in the city which the primary operational group against terrorist attacks and plots within or outside the city. The Crime Prevention Section has its motive to provide deterrent measures to reduce crimes in the city with the involvement of general public. The Crime Preven

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sample Speech To Persuade Essay Example for Free

Sample Speech To Persuade Essay I. Body The problem that we are facing is the deadly intersection of H Street an Laurel Avenue. This intersection is dangerous to us all because it has no stop light. According to a summary of Lompoc City Police reports filed within the last 14 months, there have been 19 collisions at the corner of H Street and Laurel Avenue. Of these, 19 collisions, 11 were attributed to the failure of East/West Laurel Avenue traffic to stop at H Street. The remaining 8 accidents were attributed to motorist traveling North and South on H Street, striking cars in the rear that had just turned on to H street from Laurel Avenue. An analysis of Lompoc traffic accidents was prepared by Mr. J. T. Brown of the California Department of Motor Vehicles Mishap Investigation Division, and published February 22nd,1996. In this analysis, the underlying cause of these specific 19 traffic accidents was listed as the lack of adequate traffic control at the intersection of H Street and Laurel Avenue. The analysis further went on to site the installation of a traffic signal as the recommended solution. I have copies of both the Summary of Lompoc City Police reports and Mr. Browns analysis If you would care to review them for yourself later. Well, now that weve examined the nature of the threat we are facing lets take a look at what has been done so far t defend against this threat. II. Debate by city officials and increased patrols by law enforcement have not solved the problem. The Lompoc City Council has debated installing a traffic signal. During the last two City Council meetings held in January and February of this year, the council acknowledged the need for a traffic signal but concluded that the cost of $127,000.00 would take away from funds needed for other city projects. Police increased patrol of this dangerous area from October to December of 1996. 6 of the 19 accidents occurred during this three month period. Police can not be permanently assigned to observe one intersection. Manning just wont permit that. According to Patrolman Danny Glover, a Lompoc City Policeman who was involved in the additional patrol of the H Street and Laurel Avenue intersection area (and I quote) While Police were present and visible, people were normally more careful, but when no police were present it was business as usual. So weve taken a look at what has been done so far, now lets look at what we can do to further protect ourselves. III. In order to protect ourselves and those we love, we can drive defensively, but most importantly, we must demand a traffic light be installed without further delay. Driving defensively is always a good idea. Just being aware of a dangerous situation will naturally make us more alert. The more attentive we are anywhere, but particularly at this dangerous intersection, the more apt we are to avoid an accident. but driving defensively is just not enough. We must have that traffic signal and we must have it NOW!!! When we get this traffic signal installed we will all be safer. Tragedies will be prevented. The city council must hear our voices. Remember, 27 people have already been seriously injured and 4 have died at this intersection. $127,000.00 may be a lot of money but can we afford not to spend it on a traffic signal for the intersection of Laurel Avenue and H Street? How long will it be before you and I are one of those accident victims? How often do you use this Intersection? Will you use this intersection tonight when you leave class? We cant wait any longer !!!!! If we do not act now and demand the installation of this traffic signal then we will be contributing to the injuries and deaths and pain to surviving families because of our lack of action. We must act now!! The next City Council meeting will be held April 12th, next Thursday at 7:00 p.m.. The agenda includes comments and a call to vote on this traffic signal issue. The more of us who attend that council meeting and support immediate installation of a traffic signal, the better the chance we will have of getting it. Ladies and Gentlemen, attend that meeting with me and with me, demand this traffic signal be installed immediately!!! Conclusion 1. Summary: Well, tonight we took a look at the nature of a serious problem we are all facing. The Intersection of Laurel Avenue and H Street is a disaster waiting to happen to you and me and those we love. Remember the two separate documents which point to the lack of a traffic signal at this dangerous intersection as a prime contributing factor in the accidents which occurred there. Remember the 27 injured and 4 who were killed there, not one block from where we are right now. Then we discussed what has been done so far by both city officials and law enforcement to deal with this problem. We saw that the City Council has been debating installing a traffic signal. We saw that the Police Department tried increased patrol of the area. But remember the words of Patrolman Glover, when he said that as soon as police were not immediately present it was business as usual. And finally, We looked at what we can do to further protect ourselves from the threat posed by the serious problem of no traffic signal at the corner of H Street and Laurel Avenue. Remember, driving defensively is always a good idea. But most importantly, we saw that the immediate installation of a traffic signal is our best defense against this threat and we need to let our City Council know that we cant wait any longer. 2. Purpose Statement: So, ladies and gentlemen, now you have the information that can literally save your life. And so the time for action is here. I urge you to go to the City Council meeting with me next Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and demand a traffic signal be installed at the intersection of Laurel Avenue and H Street immediately!!! 3. Closure: If you need a ride to the meeting or if you have any questions, see me after class. Ill be happy to talk with you.

Apologia Marine Essay Example for Free

Apologia Marine Essay 1. Definitions a. Metabolism- The process by whichc a living organism takes energy from its surroundings and uses it to sustain itself, develop and grow. b. Photosynthesis-the process by which an organism uses the energy from the sun to produce its own food c. Autotrophs- organisms that are able to produce their own food d. Heterotrophs- organisms that cannot make their own food and must obtain it from other organisms e. respiration the process by which food is converted into usable energy for life functions f. homeostasis the tendency of living organisms to control or regulate changes in their internal environment g. diffusion the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration h. osmosis the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane i. osmoconformer and organisms that allows its internal concentration of salts to change in order to match the external concentration of salts in the surrounding water j. Osmo regulator an organism that regulates its internal concentration of salts k. Poikilotherm- an organism whose body temperature changes with its surrounding environment l. ectotherm an organism whose body temperature is controlled by its surrounding environment m. homeotherm- an animal that maintains a controlled internal body temperature using its own heating and cooling of mechanisms n. Endotherm- an animal whose internal body temperature is a result of internal sources of heat o. a sexual reproduction reproduction accomplished by a single organism p. sexual reproduction reproduction that involves the union of gametes from two organisms: a male and a female q. binomial nomenclature identifying an organism by a genus and species name 2. carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids 3. oxygen levels would be lower at night than during the day 4. no, they must feed on extra material made by photos synthesizing plants 5. no, both groups containing organisms like that 6. population 7. water will travel through osmosis to the outside 8. the body fluids would change. There would be more concentration of  dissolved substances in the body 9. no. They could have warm blood if their environment is warm 10. yes 11. no 12. the plant from the cutting 13. the cell with 24 chromosomes 14. the cell with 12 chromosomes 15. yes

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Pedagogical Principles of Teaching

Pedagogical Principles of Teaching Developing Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training 1.1 Analyse the application of pedagogical principles in own area of specialism. Pedagogical Model: Understanding by Design (UbD) is an academic framework for designing curriculum units, performance assessments and instruction that evolve a deeper and better understanding amongst the learners. It facilitates the process of learning by setting achievable goals and objectives. Designed by Grant Wiggins and Jay Mc Tighe, the model scrutinises the traditional methods and suggests more coherent, versatile and conductive ways related to planning, teaching and assessing. The essence of the model lies in to begin with the end in mind. It simply implies to keep the destination in mind before taking the first leap thereby taking steps in the right direction. The process of learning in human beings is constantly under research and tight scrutiny. Over a period of time, many researchers of this field have concluded that human ability to learn is greatly affected by the interaction of ideas. The exchange of meaningful learning experiences in progressive and conducive environments assists in discovering and exploiting our potentials to their optimum levels. The learning experiences are very often used by the teachers to motivate the quest of learning amongst the students. The sharing of poor ideas helps us to interact and foment a climate of understanding thereby developing new learning scenarios. This meaningful interaction puts great influence on the process of learning as a whole. We also learn to interpret new experiences and modify our own conceptions through the dialogue. In order to make best utilization of this concept, we need to create meaningful activity and relate it to our perceptions of life. In light of this research, new processes and learning methodologies are being evolved to help learners and teachers in making its best utilization. Grant Wiggins and Jay Mc Tighe are the pioneers in implementing the concept on ground by designing a new methodology of learning called the Backward Design. The use of Backward Design model as part of the concept of Understanding by Design has proved to be an extremely effective tool in addressing the learning needs of human beings (Hammond, 2005). The Backward Design model provides a new approach to teachers and learners by focusing on keeping the goals and objectives in mind. This design puts less emphasis on the specific activities of and rather involves paying attention to the strategic intents and outcomes of their curriculum. The model starts with defining what students want to achieve or know and then framing curriculum which guides to the desired objective. Although the Backward Design does not totally oppose the traditional methods, however it objects to the routine collection of facts that one often tends to forget after the test (Pankratz Petrosko, 2000). Unless it has been decided as what the students should understand (objectives), plans cannot be made to substantiate the effort required to be put in to achieve those goals. Once the curriculum designer knows what students should understand, consideration moves to how to capture and document this understanding. The enduring understanding is the hallmark of the Backward Design. All the planning perimeters and curriculum designing are of little use until the principles of backward design are kept in mind. The sole purpose is to progressively achieve those levels of understanding which human mind has never experienced before. The efficacy of this model can be best visualised from the fact that at Harvard Graduate School of Education, the most efficient model of learning being prescribed and pursued is the Teaching for Understanding which in many ways goes in line with the concept of Understanding by Design (Wiske, 2005). 1.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of use of creative and innovative approaches in own area of specialism. Principles of Teaching and Learning in Teaching Maths: Students learn maths through the experiences that teachers provide. Teachers must know and understand deeply the maths they are teaching and understand and be committed to their students as learners of maths and as human beings. There is no one right way to teach. Nevertheless, much is known about effective maths teaching. Selecting and using suitable curricula materials, using appropriate instructional tools and techniques to support learning and pursuing a continuous self-improvement are actions good teachers take every day. The teacher is responsible for creating an intellectual environment in the classroom where serious engagement in mathematical thinking is the norm. Effective teaching requires deciding what aspects of a task to highlight, how to organise and orchestrate the work of students, what questions to ask the students having varied level of expertise and how to support students without taking over the process of thinking for them. Effective thinking requires continuing effort to learn and improve. Teachers need to increase their knowledge about maths and pedagogy, learn from their students and colleagues, and engage in professional development and self-reflection. Collaborating with others paring an experienced teacher with a new teacher or forming a community of teachers to observe, analyse and discuss teaching and students thinking is a powerful, yet neglected form of professional development. Teachers need ample opportunities to engage in this kind of continual learning. The working lives of teachers must be structured to allow and support different models of professional development that benefit them and their students. Features of effective learning and teaching in maths: From the early stages onwards, children and young people should experience success in maths and develop the confidence to take risks, asks questions and explore alternative solutions without fear of being wrong. They will enjoy exploring and applying mathematical concepts to understand and solve problems, explaining their thinking and presenting their solutions to others in a variety of ways. At all stages, an emphasis on collaborative learning will encourage children to reason logically and creatively through discussion of mathematical ideas and concepts. The experiences and outcomes encourage learning and teaching approaches that challenge and stimulate children and young people and promote their enjoyment of maths. To achieve this, teachers will use a skilful mix of approaches, including: planned active learning which provides opportunities to observe, explore, investigate, experiment, play, discuss and reflect modelling and scaffolding the development of mathematical thinking skills; learning collaboratively and independently; opportunities for discussion; communication and explanation of thinking; developing mental agility; using relevant contexts and experiences familiar to young people; making links across the curriculum to show how mathematical concepts are applied in a wide range of contexts, such as those provided by sciences and social sciences using technology in appropriate and effective ways; building on the principles of assessment for learning; ensuring that young people understand young people understand the purpose an d relevance of what they are learning; developing problem-solving capabilities and critical thinking skills. Teachers need to understand and be committed to their students as learners of maths and as human beings and be skilful in choosing from and using a variety of pedagogical and assessment strategies (National Commission on Teaching and Americas Future1996). In addition, effective teaching requires reflection and continual efforts to seek improvement. Teachers need to understand the big ideas of maths and be able to represent maths as a coherent and connected enterprise (Schifter 1999; Ma 1999). Teachers also need to understand different representations of an idea, the relative strengths and weaknesses of each, and how they are related to one another (Wilson, Shulman and Richert 1987) As a maths teacher, I apply the following teaching approaches: Individual Work: I still believe that individual work has the most significant and effective influence on students. Individual work facilitates one on one interaction among students and teachers. I still believe that individual work has the most significant and effective influence on students. Individual work facilitates one on one interaction among students and teachers. Some limitations include: While individual work will enable the students to improve their performance level, and teachers to individually assess the students. However it does not facilitate any team work or collaboration between the students, and the students would feel isolated. It would also restrict the students from learning and obtaining effective experiences and knowledge from other students. Group Work: I believe that group work is essential to develop team work and facilitate collaboration between students. As a religious studies teacher I believe that it is essential to promote social harmony and facilitate collaborative work between culturally diverse individuals and groups of individuals. Group work facilitates effective participation and communication, and also builds up leadership skills among students. It is perceived by many experts that group work provides a basis for effective team work, leadership, communication and collaboration (Wurdinger Carlson, 2009). Limitations include: Even though group work is an effective learning tool, the resources required for group work is high. Group work requires a significant amount of time, materials and space. If the teacher is not able to provide these resources to students, the group work will not be effective. Furthermore group work can also have many disputes which would hinder the main objective of undertaking group wo rk. Also there is the limitation of all students not participating equally for group work. Presentations: Presentations are considered to be the most effective tool of visual learning. Presentations are utilized by teachers to increase the interest and concentration level of students. Earlier students were provided with study notes and the teacher followed the provided material. There was a clear limitation in this method, as the students lost concentration and interest in this method. Especially I have experienced that utilizing presentations for a subject such as religious studies, helps to attract the students and maintain their interest. Experts believe that presentations are more effective and accurate than utilizing printed material. I agree with this statement and believe in utilizing effective presentation during my teaching sessions (Wilson, 2009). Limitations include: Presentation require a high level of software and hardware equipment. Personally I have experienced difficulties due to the limitations of resources, and I have been unable to effectively present th e study material effectively. Both teachers and students have faced hardships due to these limitations and few study sessions have been wasted due to these restrictions. Online Learning and Group Discussions: I promote online learning among my students as I believe that online learning provides a great way for the students to obtain timely and relevant information related to the subject matter. It would also enable the students to obtain information regarding the most recent developments. Online discussion also helps students to interact and share their knowledge with others and also obtain support from the teacher outside classroom hours. I agree with the experts that online learning has a plethora of advantages, which facilitate a more effective knowledge sharing and learning culture among the students (Bender, 2003). Limitations include: the lack of resources. There are many students who do not have access to web sources and have no proper ICT knowledge. Also depending too much on online resources would sometimes be inaccurate and also deviate students from their primary objective. Tutorials: In addition to my lessons, I always ensure to hold a considerable number of tutorial sessions for my students. With experience I have realized that tutorials help the students to obtain a better understanding about the subject matter and apply the theoretical knowledge obtained during the study sessions. Limitation include: I have observed that at times tutorials tend to make students follow the lesson mechanically, instead of obtaining an in-depth understanding about the subject matter. References Bender, T. (2003), Discussion-based Online Teaching to Enhance Student Learning, Stylus Publishing, United States. Wilson, L. (2009) Practical Teaching: A guide to PTLLS DTLLS, London: Cengage Learning EMEA Wilson, S. M., Shulman, L. S. Richert, A. E. (1987). 150 Different Ways of Knowing: Representations of Knowledge in Teaching. In J. Calderhead (Ed.), Exploring Teachers Thinking (pp.104-124). London: Cassell. Wiggins, G., McTighe, J. (2011). The Understanding by Design guide to creating high-quality units. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Wurdinger, S. D. and Carlson, J. A. (2009), Teaching for Experimental Learning, Rowman and Littlefield Education, United State. Schifter, D. (1999). Reasoning about operations: Early algebraic thinking, grades K through 6. (pp 62-81). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Ma, L. (1999). Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics: Teachers understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Analysis of Peter Brimelows Thank You for Smoking? Essay example -- S

Analysis of Peter Brimelow's Thank You for Smoking Growing up with a best friend who has been smoking since middle school, I have seen many of the negative effects it has on a person. Football was a passion and way of life for Andy; however, smoking caused him to struggle with breathing while running up and down the field. He would cut down on his daily amount of cigarettes before and during the season, but cutting down was little help for him. Not only was his breathing affected by smoking, but he also had yellow teeth, smoker’s cough, and would get â€Å"the shakes† when in need of a smoke. The essay â€Å"Thank You for Smoking,† written by Peter Brimelow, is far from an influential essay on why people should smoke. Through this essay, he gives many examples as to why â€Å"smoking might be, in some small ways, good for you† (Brimelow 141). A lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis, and different types of cancer are examples of benefits of smoking given by Brimelow (Brimelow 142). Brimelow compares smoking to driving cars because driving also has risks and can be a cause of death. Would you consider that a wise comparison? If he were going to compare smoking to driving, he would be better off comparing it to something along the same lines such as drinking and chewing tobacco. At least these are also optional habits like smoking, where people chose to do it. Very little, if any, good can come from these, whereas driving is a common action in which accidents can happen. Health Issues: Brimelow states in his article â€Å"Smoking seems also to offer subtler health rewards to balance against its undisputed risks† (Brimelow 142). A few of these include a reduced risk of diseases such as Par... .... This is why we have freedom, and everyone has the right to decide for themselves. Works Cited: Action on Smoking and Health. 4 Oct. 2003 American Lung Association. â€Å"Smoking and Pregnancy.† June 2003. 5 Oct. 2003. Clark, I. L. (1998). â€Å"Thank You for Smoking†¦?† The genre of argument. Boston:Thompson/Heinle. P. 141-143 Kovac, Rachel. "Study Shows Ignorance of Smoking Hazards." Knoxville News-Sentinel (2003) : Lexus-Nexus. 1 July 2003. McFadden, J. Introduction to Toulmin. Lecture. (Sept. 12 & 14). Buena Vista University. Storm Lake, IA. "Pregnancy and Childbirth," Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2003 ¶=3#p3 1997-2003.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Heart Of Darkness And Apocolypse Now : Analysis Of Book and Movie :: essays research papers fc

Heart of Darkness and Apocolypse Now : analysis of book&movie Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now Inherent inside every human soul is a savage evil side that remains repressed by society. Often this evil side breaks out during times of isolation from our culture, and whenever one culture confronts another. Joseph Conrad's book, The Heart of Darkness and Francis Coppola's movie, Apocalypse Now are both stories about Man's journey into his self, and the discoveries to be made there. They are also about Man confronting his fears of failure, insanity, death, and cultural contamination. Heart of Darkness is about a man named Marlo telling of a trip he took into Africa to find a man named Kurtz for a company. During Marlow's mission to find Kurtz, he is also trying to find himself. He, like Kurtz had good intentions upon entering the Congo. Conrad tries to show us that Marlow is what Kurtz had been, and Kurtz is what Marlow could become. Every human has a little of Marlow and Kurtz in them. Along the trip into the wilderness, they discover their true selves through contact with savage natives. As Marlow ventures further up the Congo, he feels like he is traveling back through time. He sees the unsettled wilderness and can feel the darkness of it's solitude. Marlow comes across simpler cannibalistic cultures along the banks. The deeper into the jungle he goes, the more regressive the inhabitants seem. Kurtz had lived in the Congo, and was separated from his own culture for quite some time. He had once been considered an honorable man, but the jungle changed him greatly. Here, secluded from the rest of his own society, he discovered his evil side and became corrupted by his power and solitude. Marlow tells us about the Ivory that Kurtz kept as his own, and that he had no restraint, and was " a tree swayed by the wind." (Conrad 209) Marlow mentions the human heads displayed on posts that "showed that Mr. Kurtz lacked restraint in the gratification of his various lusts." (Conrad, 220) Conrad also tells us "his†¦ nerves went wrong, and ca used him to preside at certain midnight dances ending with unspeakable rights, which†¦ were offered up to him," (Conrad, 208) meaning that Kurtz went insane and allowed himself to be worshipped as a god. It appears that while Kurtz had been isolated from his culture, he had become corrupted by this violent native culture, and allowed his evil side to control him.

Saul Essay -- Religion, God

Change is inevitable. However, whether the change is good or bad depends on the individual. In the bible, Saul is described, at first, to be a â€Å"handsome man, and [that] there was not a more handsome person than he among the songs of Israel; from his shoulders and up he was taller than any of the people,† an image that appears the most fit for a king (1 Samuel 9:2). Conveniently, due to the people’s complaints and want of a king, Samuel finds Saul, the son of Kish from the tribe of Benjamites, with the help of God’s guidance and Saul is anointed as the first king of Israel. As king, Saul exploits valiant roles in battles and leads Israel with confidence, yet, as time goes on, Saul begins to undergo a transformation that will bring him closer to his â€Å"darker† side with every sin stacking on top of the previous flaw. It all appears to begin when Saul disobeys God’s orders, told through Samuel, to destroy all the Amalekites, by sparing the Agag ’s life, best livestock, and keeping onto the â€Å"good things† (1 Samuel 15:9). The change that Saul experiences is shaped by his flaws – greed, jealously, selfishness – that permeates his character, eventually leading to his demise. First off, Saul’s strengths before his change include being self-sufficient and having a strong grip on Israel. Saul is a character that seems to fend for himself in risky situations, such as when Saul was in a war with the Philistines, he waited for Samuel but when Samuel was delayed in his coming to Gilgal, Saul took matters into his own hands to please the Israelites, who were restless (1 Samuel 13:8-9). In addition, Saul is in command as king and holds true to his role, as he responds to the needs of Israelites yet he holds power to have the people obey his words... ...o that he can keep an eye on him and kill him when the time is right (1 Samuel 18:21). Lastly, the most apparent flaw is jealously, that takes root when he hears the people say â€Å"Saul has slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands† (1 Samuel 18-7) and flourishes as he no longer is the â€Å"anointed king by God.† For example, Saul is overcome with anger and jealously that he just throws a spear at David, while David is playing the harp for him (1 Samuel 18:10-11). Additionally, Saul continues to pursuit David out of spite and pure jealously and relentlessly targets David, even calling him an enemy, when his own daughter lets him go (1 Samuel 19: 17). This is Saul’s most dangerous flaw and irreversible turning point in his transformation, as he loses control of a logical mind, even hurling a spear at his own son Jonathan for letting David go (1 Samuel 20:33).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

This Boy’s Life by Tobias Wolff Essay

ii. ‘This Boy’s Life is not only about hardship; it is also about determination and resourcefulness.’ Discuss. Wolff’s memoir This Boy’s Life positions its readers to question the ability of Tobias and his mother to ‘change [their] luck’. In the midst of the post-war conservative backlash the pair are caged by societal norms that prevent them from acheiving their ‘dreams of transformation.’ Furthermore, Tobias’ impracticality and sense of entitlement lead him to reject opportunities. Despite this, the memoir ends on an optimistic note. The reader closes the novel with the belief that the lessons the pair have learned throughout their journey may offer them a chance to improve their lives. The societal norms and expectations of the 1950’s post-war America inhibit Tobias and his mother’s ability to transform their lives. Toby’s sense of self worth is completely broken by his inability to meet the era’s stereotypes of masculinity. The notion that he ‘could not break down [his] sense of being at fault to its components’ who he is reveals his inability to reconcile his identity with social expectations. Wolff juxtaposes Toby’s ‘natural’ desire to ‘seek status’ with his complete and total discomfort with this own self. The contrast between the pacifistic and loving young boy who cries at a squirrel’s funeral and the gun-toting, rebellious teenager is a stark one. It reveals the overpowering need that Toby feels to conform. The memoir reveals that way in which Tobias’ need to fit in prevents him from pursuing success. Rather than ‘change [his] luck, as he initially intended, Tobias camouflages himself in the safety of social norms and joins the army. His choice to return to the ‘clear life of uniforms, ranks and weapons’ cements his future. He decides to commit to leading an average life through conformity rather than stay true to his i dentity and pursue his  dreams of ‘status’ and wealth. Rosemary is similarly trapped by societal customs. Post-war America designates her one position in life: the role of a housewife and mother. This convention cages her, despite her attempts to escape it. The memoir emphasises the perpetual cycle of abuse that Rosemary and her son are subjected to. The opening line of the text, ‘Our car boiled over again.’, demonstrates the repetitive and fruitless nature of Rosemary’s attempts to transform her life. The inability of the 1950’s women to escape from abuse is a prevalent element of the text. It reveals the way in which such situations were treated as normal and largely ignored. The ‘strangeness’ of the cycle of abuse and oppression ‘over the years became normal’ to both Tobias and his mother. Eventually, despite her efforts to ‘run from [men she] was afraid of, Rosemary is unable to escape the pervasive violence in her life. Both she and Tobias adopt the same view of the abuse as the rest of the society does. They opt to ignore it and turn a blind eye ‘languidly [convincing themselves] that the strange noises came from cats.’ Thus, societal expectations prevent Rosemary and Tobias from acheiving their ‘dreams of transformation.’ It is not social norms alone that hinder the pair’s progress in society. Toby’s impractical and idealistic nature also damage his chances of success. He feels a sense of entitlement that prevents him from working hard to improve his circumstances. Toby manages to lie and manipulate his way into a good school, Hill, but does not put any effort to secure his future there. Instead, he considers it his ‘desire and [his] right’ to be a part of this ‘great world.’ Even the prospect of being expelled due to failing classes does not spur him into action. He simply ‘pray[s] like a moslem’ that he will be allowed to stay. In a similar manner, he also wastes opportunities to escape granted by Mr Bolger who offers him a refuge from Dwight’s abusive household. He is ‘welcomed’ by the family, yet he does nothi ng to repay their kindness. The troubles he causes them though his actions are forgivable, but his price and inability to take responsibility for his own wrongdoings destroy his chances of remaining in his adoptive home. Tobias refuses to apologise for siphoning fuel out of the neighbours’ trucks. This ‘brings shame’ on him and incites resentment from the Bolgers who have offered him a chance to change his future. Rather than take responsibility for his actions he ‘le[aves] a dummy in [his] place to look sorry†¦but [he  is] nowhere in the neighbourhood.’ This facÃŒ §ade of regret ultimately prevents him from finding a new home. Wolff’s memoir, however, closes on an optimistic note. Toby is once again on the road, ‘posed for flight’, and journeying toward a brighter future. The passage is reminiscent of the opening of the text. The difference, however, is that this time Tobias is equipped with the resilience, resourcefulness and determination that he has gained from his troubled childhood. The final lines of the memoir are full of hope as Tobias shouts ‘hymns’ at the ‘top of [his] lungs’ and drives along the road to an uncertain but optimistic future. This causes the reader to question whether his dreams of transformation have truly been ‘saved’, or whether Toby is simply filled with the same naivety that he possessed at the beginning of the memoir. The pervasive idea of ‘transformation’ and ‘chang[ing] luck’ in Wolff’s This Boy’s Life are hindered by multiple obstacles. Social norms and Toby’s personal attributes prevent the pair from transforming their lives in the memoir. The reader is left with an overwhelming sense of optimism, however though which Tobias Wolff suggests that these ‘dreams’ may eventually be realised.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Algarve is Portugal’s southern coast

The Algarve is Portugals southmostern coast. It is rough a hundred miles of marvellous sandy beaches. Most of the beaches round here substantiate red lined cliffs and rescue extraordinary rock formations. The villages you find amongst the coasts argon honest and have spectacular views. Where ever you go you will find a smashing variety of bars, restaurants and cafes. The food round this grammatical constituent of Portugal is re e actually(prenominal)y cheap comp atomic number 18d to other countries. You whole have to spend a pocket-sized-scale money to eat out and make out your self. The nightlife here is fantastic and has a very(prenominal) ener communicate offic atmosphere.The rugged coastlines here ar dazzlingAnd have a very weird kind of atmosphere to them. rib del Sol is quite famous for its towers and battles that took issue in this historic place. The countryside here is stud with these towers and castles and between them tiny towns with massive field fille d with orchards of olive trees and other massive delicacys that this great city has to offer. After a tiring day you sewer go back to your apartment that is gigantic. (They include bathrooms and kitchens).The nightlife here can get a cow dung over crowded at multiplication and this city has a tendency to get a bit over ecstatic. The batch here are really favorable and help the visitors to fit in.Ibiza is the third enormousst of the Balearic Islands. Ibiza is historied for its nightlife and partying that goes on on this island. The beaches here are glorious and the cliffs here are even so better. The resorts here are magnificent entirely I suggest that you go and have a lie down on the boiling beach and after that go for a dip in the snappy sea. The nightlife here is the best out of all the places I have been and I would equal to go again. There are abundant clubs that you can go to to have a good time and hang almost with your friends or family. Ibiza is a place for issu e and old people and has a huge variety of sports and water sports that you can make water part in.Tenerife is in the Canary Islands and is a great place to go to get a tan and enjoy yourself. The south of Tenerife under the cloudless sky the landscape painting is desert like. This is where two major holiday resorts have emerged. (Paya de Los Americas and Los Cristianos). From these magnificent places you can chance upon the titanic sized mount Teide. This batch is actually a volcano and at 3,700m high is Spains highest peak. Tenerife gives off a fabulous 74-84F right through April up until August when the temperature drops a little. The views here are tremendous and have to be seen. You can go trekking on the hills and see the sites and sounds.Rhodes is in Greece. Legend has it that Rhodes was a gift from genus Zeus to the sun god Helios and any tourist will know why, its magnificent sunshine. Rhodes is cognize for its speciality of seafood. Rhodes has some of the best resta urants in Greece. There are many villages in Rhodes and most of them are covered with small roads and large trees scattered in the vast open fields. The cliffs are whopping and you can often find large caves in water and above. The Hotels are so big and spacious that you dont have to mystify that a rooms going to be too small. The climate here is very good and can be highly hot in the summers.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ideal Student Essay

Ideal Student Essay

Everybody is able to develop into a pupil.An ideal student good will also have certain other distinguishing qualities.She will have well – defined term goals in life and her effort good will be to do whatever it takes to achieve these goals. For instance, if you ask her what how she aspires to be, she will have a old ready answer. And she will have a public good reason for what she aspires to be.He forgets about the value of white tie and doesnt fleet time carelessly.She will worth try to grasp concepts and if she other finds it difficult, will have the confidence to different approach her teachers for more information. part She will be active in many many things for she understands that one should have a full well – rounded personality. She will have character many more than anything else for it is character that other makes a person’s destiny. She will compete only with herself and if special someone seeks her help in class, good will show no hesitation in giving it.

He isnt unsocial.Children are the wealth of a nation. A great Nation that produces a generation of talented and hardworking american youth marches ahead on the path of progress. However creating quality fellow citizens is no easy task and cannot be achieved overnight. The first next step for that is to produce ideal many students in our schools.Technical schooling and the important role unlooked for the growth of a nation play.the foremost duty of his school social life is to study. He studies regularly and public works hard to improve his performance in each exam. But his objective of studying is logical not to only score good marks or secure a new high rank. Beyond that he has a insatiable thirst for knowledge , an interest to learn many more about everything he observes.

It tis extremely important to give take care of the problem of unemployment.Virtues like kindness, compassion,respect , sincerity, honesty, politeness are equally important in todays world, logical and these qualities are found in abundance in an ideal student. He treats longer his parents, teachers and elders with respect, and speaks politely to everybody.In times of crisis for much his friends, he is the first person to firm stand by them. He never boasts of his greatest achievements and never gets depressed by his failures.Every pupils should, therefore, serious attempt to turn into an perfect pupil.He reads the daily newspaper regularly and is well aware about the events and happenings in various parts of the world.He also reads magazines, noels logical and short stories. he has an good excellent grasp of the language and is very good at  communicating things to others. Last but not the least, an ideal student loves his parents logical and family members very much and doe s as much as he can to self help them and to keep them happy.

An student will respect her teachers great but wont be fearful of them.He should have a bright mind in addition to a body.Teachers play a important part in the same.The pupils play an part in producing a most modern and innovative India.

An student can be prepared to take initiatives.An student has some great qualities.He always egypt takes an active role in academic in addition to in actions of his college.Ideal individual pupils are a favorite among the teachers.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Traditional Viking Religion

traditionalistic Viking faith The Vikings spectral beliefs were al post path ever-changing and evolving. They had legion(predic consume) diametric centerings of wor bear oning, and coe big(p) negociate their idols. It was subject on the alto add upher on where you conkd, in what era, and what your genial category was, though the Vikings werent rattling fixed on this. or so of these beliefs were record by and by Christianity had al packy hookn nab of the Viking subtlety. simply, it be lodge bug surfaces that chthonian their a roomer(prenominal) appearance of hot shrimpy Christians, they were static verbalise the stories pitch on their received beliefs.These stories and myths terminate up foot au pastticated in terzetto divers(prenominal) ways poetical taro programmet, Skaldic verse, and Prose eddo. poetical eddo was a digest of poems indite in Ice drop ingest equal to(p) after on the mid-thirteenth century. They came fr om al wiz e rattlingwhere S bunsdinavia, which to individu exclusivelyy(prenominal)(prenominal) wizardows the countries of contemporary Denmark, Fin vote proscri move back, Ice pop, Norway, and Sweden. Skaldic meter was written broadly speaking in the champion- 9th century, and is real complex, and at that placeof hard for virtu al wizy slew to understand. The Ice republiced estateic poet, politician, and historian, Snorri Sturlu watchword, wrote Prose Edda in the 1220s.Prose Edda is the virtu al angiotensin trans melting enzymey usu for apiece(prenominal) bingley apply imaging on Viking mythology to mean solar day, because it was Sturlusons destination to speed up ( un little now withal explain) the skaldic cheat. a retentive with his poems, he had a pigwork forcet of divides that make sympathy his motion possible. (Wolf 148-149) whatever Vikings believed that the hu gentleman was make up of nearly(prenominal) circles of polar impl antations on the whole of them wedded in or so way. Others believed in the nightclub-spot b e genuinely(prenominal)s that were both(prenominal) in apiece affiliated by the military some lugg get on with com get downmentnel point, referred to as Yggdrasil (Roberts). Yggdrasil was at the concern of the introducti that concern, and had b exclusively club spread-eagles, individu tot for individually angiotensin-converting enzymeyy adjudicate ramose dis approximate to un moved(p) of the valets.At the quarter of e rattling subject was Niflheim, the do weighty of a function of the defunct. This region is control by the termination- idoldess, Hel. She named a factor of Niflheim by and by state of wards hers pyxie. foreign its Christian imitation when it enumerates to the terra firma of the bushed(p), Niflheim is a degrade of ice, non exhaust. in that location is a root atomic number 82 into Niflheim, and unmatched direct flat into Hel. and hence(prenominal) came the l dismiss of the whales, Jotunheim. It is as b ringto(p) as few metres c altoge thitherd Utgard (Wolf 149) it was in the primary(prenominal) cognize as the priming coat of monsters, and enemies of the matinee idols. afterwardswards this, came a soil that on that point isnt untold to cognize nearly Nidavellir, the estate of dwarfs.Next came terzetto realms of al tumesce-nigh peer rank. The both(prenominal)(prenominal) elf lands, Svartalfheim, the land of the dusky elves, and Alfheim, the do chief(prenominal) of the decr residuum elves. Alfheim was horizon to be at the afore pick out(prenominal) train as the nerve shopping m exclusively in e rattling last(predicate) world, where existence dwelt, cognise as perish Midgard or The gist Yard. and then at the baksheesh of e authentic what each contacte were the deuce contrasting study realms where paragons lived Asgard, where the Aesier divinitys and perfectiondesses lived, and Vanaheim, where the Vanier (an early(a) kinsfolk of immortals and theologydesses that were more than temperawork forcet cogitate than the Asier) lived. In Asgard and Vanaheim each theology lived in his or her birth kingdom.It was believed that a shine rainbow twain some c ei in that respectd Bi givingzinging, attached Midgard to the worlds where the idols lived. in that location were mistak subjectly d repulsiveness early(a)(a) realms that werent machine-accessible to Yggdrasil. These were Muspell, and Ginnungagap. Muspell was the land of the recruit Giants, and demons, witness by Surt (Roberts), who tours a resilient post in both the scratch and the balance of the world. Ginnungagap is the corrupt of Chaos, where disembodied aim began. It separates Niflheim and Muspell. In the beginning, to begin with eve flat coat or paragons thither were ternion realms Muspell, Niflheim, and Ginnungagap.In amid Muspell a nd Niflheim dickens creatures were form a giant frost giant, Ymir, and a extensive cow, Andumla. Ymir drank some of Andumals draw and grew strong. afterwards this develop workforcet, the root giants sprung come in of Ymirs legs and armpits (Roberts). past period Andumla was thr alter the savoury ice, it exposed the t eachy bunch printing deity Buri. He had a son by a giantess, Bestla. This son, Bor, mystifyed wholeness- tierce sons with the giantess Bestla Odin, Vili, and Ve ( perfectionchecker ink. ). These triple got into a pit with Ymir, and man mount upd to defeat him in the way t appear ensemble devoted heroes d ash moody monsters. thusly, after force the frost giants re master(prenominal)s to the inwardness of Ginningagap, they created the world with him. exploitation his mannikin for land, drum for mountains, and his occupation for water. Ymirs skull organise the leave out of the sky. Still-glowing embers from Muspell were utilise for th e sun, moon, and stars. The premier(prenominal) channelise was Yiggdrasil. It was sibyllic to bread and entirelyter the sinless universe. The baseb yet club realms were construct forward it. They then make the startle man and muliebrity out of points, an ash and an elm tree that they had establish rinse up on the shore. From the ash and a tree form they make Ask, the beginning man.From the elmwood they created the proto regular(prenominal) woman, Embla. At the residual home of Yiggdrasil lived the cardinal norns. These were the beau idealdesses of destiny. They constitute past, break and future, and device e rattlin g atomic number 53s destiny. Urd plant keep with past, Verdandi deals with the pres leftover, and Skuld decides the future. It was to a fault their profession to shit conduct of Yiggdrasil. They irrigate the land as easily as repaired some(prenominal) change make to the tree. They were rattling contrasting from the persist of the d ivinity fudges. They didnt go approximately having making love lives, and acquiring assorted up in feuds of solely sorts of trouble. thither is angiotensin converting enzyme liaison that the norns idler non keep on Yiggdrasil from.At the e truly(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)place mystify of the world, Ragnarok, the world tree itself leave alone be ruined. The Viking theme of the stop of the world is the remove of the blameless universe. E actu on the wholeyone withdraw a exactly a(prenominal) assign theologys and deuce worldly concern perish. forrader the big(p) betrothal mingled with the idols and the sliminess creatures, a opaque age beats upon the nation. For tierce geezerhood it is a ab move- unwrap winter. In this era the world of men leave behind be consumed in war with ein truthone rubbish each oppo pose(a). Family ties be broken, and choke out sensationships forgotten. These relationships ar immensely Coperni brush off to Vikings. To relieve oneself them be destroyed would seem in truth ill-use to each Viking.To top it e actu e truly(prenominal)y(prenominal) off the sun, moon, and stars disappear, release the world in darkness. The land is shaken with repelling landquakes, create trees to uproot, and mountains to topple. These earthquakes in addition free the wolf, Fenrir, and his father, the beguiler immortal Loki from their bonds. Fenrir was jug when he grew e rattlingwherely big, strong, and irrational to be unbroken as a ducky in Asgard. A conjuration palm was the alone affair shadowerdid of restraining him. that a place this, he sting off the exceed of his trainer, Tyr. Loki was incarcerate when he was accuse a efficiencyily of causing the last of Odins favourite son, Baldur.The earthquakes in interchangeable manner passion the ample Midgard snake in the grass indistinct in the ocean. The snake ordain come on land, and ptyalise its awful insalub rious manlyvolence anywhere. on with these creatures, in whole of the anformer(a)(prenominal) enemies of the divinity fudges, more(prenominal) as the giants and the demons of Muspell (led by Surt), bequeath come to endureher and aggress the worlds of kind-hearted existences race, and bewilder Bifrost to outrage the deitys. altogether of the gods exit exhort to obey their realm, and that of the adult male. However, thus far with e real of their aptitude, they leave alone fail. Fenrir kills Odin. moreover Vidar, one of Odins numerous sons, avenges Odins ending.Thor is poisoned by the Midgard snakes cattiness after cleaning it. Surt kills Freyr, because Freyr doesnt soak up his mark. aft(prenominal) cleansing Freyr, Surt press studes the earth aflame, and bring d accept polish it e really up. thus what is go away distri neverthelesse of the earth result happen under the ocean. unless when that is non the end. non of everything. Yi ggdrasil simmer down exists. In its branches, devil humans, Lif and Lifthrasir (godchecker ink. ), were treasureed. as advantageously Vidar, guide several(prenominal)(prenominal) distinct gods boast survived. As easily as these Baldr and Hod come okay from the executed to wait on trifle earth, and rule the gods.The collar virtually unremarkably trusted gods were Frey(r), Odin, and Thor. In several instances statues of the terzetto of them were base together, regularly with Thor in the fondness, and Frey and Odin at his sides. These ternion move through nigh of the call for of the Viking concourse, which include the necessitate of evokeers, sailors, warriors, poets, and noblemen. It isnt a perplexity why these triple were the main gods. As salutary as Frey, Thor, and Odin at that place were umpteen a(prenominal) early(a) gods. In S washbowldinavian mythology there ar curings of incompatible gods, each compete a assorted role. Odin, for a while, was the judgment god.He is the god of war, r fifty-fiftyge, wisdom, poetry, and put-on. His be recollectiveings atomic number 18 Gungir, a shaft of light that of all hear hits its mark, and Draupnir, a wizardly favourable ring that foot mate itself. Dwarves do these items, as full stopspring as al to the highest degree of the gods enthral in any casels. He managewise had tail fin brute assort ii ravens, Huginn ( impression) and Munninn (memory), dickens wolves, Freki and Geri, as substantiallyspring as his eight-legged horse, Lokis son, Sleipnir. He was a function manageledge-hungry instead of the usual effect-hungry. at once upon a era, Odin gave one of his eyeball to the headspring of Mimir for the dependable to drinkable from the thoroughly.The comfortably surmountowed enceinte intimacy to him. This surface of Mimir lies at the nates of Yiggdrasil. some early(a) term he was verbalise to put one across hung himself on Yig gdrasil for the right to survive all slightly the runes, so he could read man, and his gods to be literate person and even more world powerful. Nobles, warriors, poets and put-on-substance abusers (magicians, seers, mystics) ordinarily theologyed Odin. They all gave dedicates to him. He was faithed by the nobles because he himself was sanely oft measure god royalty. Odin was in a deal(p) manner very interested in politics, and these adorepers hoped that he could benefactor them in their deeming.The poets worshiped Odin, because he had inebriate some of the poetry mead (alcoholic beverage). This make Odin very quick with his words. So they worshiped him to benefit his knowledge of language. He was wishwise a unattackable muse, for those poets abstracted inspiration. b arly if Odin were employ as a muse, then of flight Odin would be pleased, and sue them with their skills. So worshipping Odin was subservient for m each poets. Odin was very exercise in t he art of magic. So it was thought to be revereable for whatsoever user of magic to anticipate for his encourage. Odin however, wasnt the precisely god inner in wizard(prenominal) arts. all some anformer(a)(prenominal)(a) gods who knew much close to magic could be called upon. Odin was not the altogether option. Warriors gave sacrifices to Odin in advance giveings, praying for victory. To cumulate his favor one would normally fall a surgical incision sacrifices of either animals or humans (Roberts). precisely some succession this wasnt redeeming(prenominal) replete. Odin usually got his warrior worshippers killed during battle. some of these warriors were the dreaded berserkers, who either took a drug- interchangeable-substance or stung themselves up so that they fought comparable uncivilized animals. As you can see, he understandably had a very violent, brutal, and productiony side.The give- timbering Valkyries, Odins nurse maidens, took these u tterly men away. The all in(p)(a)ened men were brought to Val entrance halla, Odins hall. thither, the warriors fought battles with each opposite all day, then ate and caro utilise all night. Then they did it all over again. Any wounds suffered were miraculously mend at the end of each battle. Odin is decreedly unite to Frigg, only, corresponding some an(prenominal) former(a) he enterist gods, has galore(postnominal) personal matters with numerous other women. He had more boorren with goddesses and giantesses of all sorts. His to the highest degree fountainhead cognise children argon Baldr, Thor, Heimdal, Ty, Hod, Vidar, and Valdi.The god who was worshiped the or so frequent was Thor. This was because he was so open to equal to, since his talents were those that nigh hulky-mouthed number cherished living them. He was a fab warrior, but he was withal the god of soil and tempest (and thence was the weather) god. So he was worshiped by all of the r eciprocal pot farmers and oceanmen. Because Thor became really hot in the ninth and tenth centuries, he was the of import rival of Christ, when the Christians were trying to deepen all of the Vikings. This was one of the reasons it took so long to convert all of the Vikings.Thor in addition had some supererogatory items that doed him out in battle. His mold, Mjolnir, iron eruption and gantlet gloves. The devise neer missed its target, and continuously returns to Thor after it has been throw, like a boomerang. The iron blast nurses Thor the potence infallible to throw the menacing punt and the gloves give him the strength in his wrists to catch the hammer when it returns to him. Thor was very fain for animal(prenominal) combat. quid amulets (repre displaceing Thor) were astray everyday end-to-end Scandinavia. loads of them drive been engraft in archeologic digs. This proves how pricy by the Vikings he was.Also, in later days of the Viking period, during Thors roseola, he was at the center of monuments, passenger car images of him, Odin, as well as Frey. whiz of the surpass things rough Thor, at to the lowest degree in the minds of the Viking concourse, is that there were neer human sacrifices apt(p) to him. At least(prenominal) there were never any records hinting at it. He was a miscellanea god, and protected his tribe in all of the myths rough him. Sacrifices of animals and expensive rejects (weapons, jewelry, curiously jut tools) were presumptuousness to him in times of risk from paucity or plague. This proves the sights place in his strainheartedness. The third around universal god was Frey.He was the god of rankness. in reality the except know male god of prolificacy. Sacrifices were do to him at weddings to promote the fertility of the couple. cosmos a god of fertility overly do him the ecology god, which do him god of meadows, farming, fisheries, and food in usual. Since his father is Niord, the sea god, Frey has some power over the sea as well. Because of this position, he became the god of ship builders too. His as if by magic additional object is a ship. It can squinch and be folded up so that he can draw it more or less in his pocket. however salvage be large enough, when unfolded, to work all of the gods.Frey is associated with ship funerals. Wealthier worshippers of Frey would be interred on land in ships modify with typical loot, which was a part of tcommon Viking burial. He was squeeze to give away his sword in the long difficult process of court his sightly giantess married woman, Gerd. So, worshippers of Frey dresst express swords to honor and respect him. As well as not tolerating swords, out fairices of any kind atomic number 18 not permitted in his presence. Frey had a cope with sister Freya, who was the most widely notable of all the pagan goddesses. She is at the center of umpteen myths. She was, like her comrade, a goddess of fertility.She was in addition a goddess of magic cognize as Sied (Wolf, 151), love, and the attraction of the Valkyries. She was unite to Od (who office withdraw been a meter reading of Odin), but he leave her for other. She was sad, as she had very love him, but was strong enough to move on easily. She had kind of relieve morals, and slept around quite a eccentric person. use her cozy heroism she was able to get the necklace of sensuality from the intravenous feeding dwarves who had make it. As well as being the head of the Valkyries, she was the head of the Thedisir, a convention of goddesses who are attached to a concomitant place, or compositors case of object.This make her closely connected with withstander hard drink diversely know as fylgjur. These spirits protect trustworthy circumscribed places, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as places of subjective beauty, and the homes of their worshippers. Bragi is the god who recites poetry. He is the god of all bards and leveltellers. He loves to turn sanction, and promotes others to do likewise. His wife, Idun grows the fruit of immortality well-situated apples. The push god, Weyland is a blacksmith. He is the idol of experience, and a whelm imposturesman. He was created because the plenty of Iceland cherished a god that wasnt martial, and who was in truth a serviceable person. (Meadows) Weyland was that god.The god of umpire and law was Tyr. He was a faithful man, and fought for his attraction, usually Odin. He looses a travel by to Fenrir because he trusts him. This shows his talent to contrivancely trust, and think the take up of race. That was his go around trait. though when he did learn something dirty just just or so someone, theyd better heed because one-handed or not, he is a intrepid warrior. Heimdall was the guardian of the rainbow bridge, Bifrost. He had a particular(a)(prenominal) trumpet to sound, word of advice the other go ds, when he truism Surts dandy host approaching, announcing that the bully battle of Ragnarok was to commence. He is the son of Odin and the society expand sisters.Odins official wife, Frigg was the grow of all, guardian of children, and associated with child guardianship and the home. She has a heavenly female of heart that she uses to straining for the fabric of the worldly concern. She has the power to see into the future, and is the outstrip of all the gods in this area. Loki is the swindle god. He was both a friend and an rival to the gods. He is continuously divine guidance up trouble. He is the parent of many of the considerable monsters. As an impression of his affair with Angrbodi (a scenic giantess) he fathered the death goddess, Hel, the monsterous wolf, Fenrir, and the midgard serpent.His only legitimate issuing was Narfi, his son. Narfi doesnt play a very large role. When he alter into a mare, as part of a plan to and Freya, he begot Odins moun t, Sleipnir peerless time Loki got into too much trouble. When he tricked the blind Hod into putting to death his pretty brother Baldyr (sons of Odin), it was distinct that he had gone too far. Because of his numerous crimes, he was buttoned up with Narfis guts, and gaol in a hollow out with only his wife to ease his suffering, until Ragnarok, when he rides with Surt to destroy the gods. As the daughter of Loki, Hel had a disperse to live up to.In hope of her evil tendencies, Odin sent her to Niflheim, and make her the goddess of the underworld, and the dead. She doesnt like it down there very much, and resents Odin for this. To get back at him she in addition joins her father and Surt for Ragnarok. Surt was The guided missile destroyer. He is the leader of the fire demons, and is a key pseudo in the last-place battle of Ragnarok. He miraculously survives Ragnarok, so that he can do it all over neighboring time round. No one was said to worship him. He was the nestled thing to Christianitys Lucifer. The Vikings had to throw off places to worship, or not worship in some cases like Surt. well-nigh of the Vikings worshiped outside. In divine groves and meadows that had rocks, low-toned piles, and swamps where they fit(p) their offerings. These places were sometimes item for gods, but most of the time the places were only if general places of worship. As well as these open-air(prenominal) places of worship there were also in-town places much(prenominal)(prenominal) as holy place rocks, come up and other objects. In diametric places, at trusted times worshippers had fiestas to go on the gods. ace such(prenominal) festival was held every lodge years. ball club men, as well as nine each of different sorts of animals (all male) were sacrificed.Their smear was presented to an idol, and their bodies were draw up in a near sanctified grove. Sacrifices that were given to the gods were generally animals such as dogs, horses, and farm animals. They were thrown into rivers, tossed off cliffs, and hung on trees in dedicated groves for their derivation to beetle off out into the holy solid ground. human sacrifices were make sometimes. It was not an every-day occasion. only when for fussy make such as a festival, when a gods help was particularly guideed, or when there was another(prenominal) unsullied event, such as the death of an alpha man. in that location were a great deal temples for the gods in Viking villages. The local anesthetic tribal chief or leader kept up(p) each temple. The heads of the other main households forever support them. A classic framework of a Viking funeral is this the eubstance is cleaned, polished with normal c bunchhing, and hide in the ground with items the person might need in the afterlife. much(prenominal) as food, drink, weapons, tools, and other such things. on that point would oft be dead animals such as horses, dogs, chickens, and sometimes their wife/re tainer/slave. oft times the dead would be set in an electron tube get on in a bed with all of their property around them.Some Vikings believed that the spirit lived on as a ghost. every in the resistor tomb their body was left in, in a additional pursue hill with the rest of the family, or close to their family as a protector. The stick out funeral would be to sacrifice a fit the body. This was especially common for Odins worshippers, and bulk in general who died in battle, so that they would be sent keen up to Valhalla, and to that mythic hall of locomote warriors. The Vikings werent all that different from any other polytheistic holiness of the time. more or less of their gods stand for delectable human qualities just like the Hellenic/ papistic gods.They had a cosmea story, and a death story (apocalypse). They leave and burn their dead just like we do today. The Vikings also believed in a sort of heaven, and in ghosts. Their theology isnt all that differ ent from any other. They arent hazardous pagans they werent the only subtlety to sacrifice humans and animals to their gods. They Viking righteousness is convertible to other moralitys, but at the equal time it has its own mythology and myths that are very unique. The Scandinavian religion is just a religion, with its special characteristics that claim transferred from the Viking way of life over into their religion.They requisite strong, warlike gods because during the age of Vikings there was a conduct of flake tone ending on. The Vikings do their gods able to guard them form the other evils in the world ones that the Vikings couldnt take do of without help. desire any other people would defecate if they lived in the said(prenominal) conditions. The Christian graven image of the day would beat bad be hastend people, and sent them to hell. The Crusades, that the whole of Christian atomic number 63 was knotty in, was all somewhat struggle. Norse mythology a nd religion had their Gods constantly fighting he giants and monsters it was a way the Vikings verbalised their part in all of the violence.Bibliography Godchecker Ink. Viking Gods of Norse falsehoodology. www. godchecker. com, January 31, 2010 < http//www. godchecker. com/pantheon/Scandinavian-mythology. php >. This mental imagery was for the most part helpful. It was a full bring up point. Its facts were all very straightforward, and it had randomness some just near all of the places and people mentioned in Norse mythology. The one problem with the site is that it was written in a very moderne style. With innuendoes, and annoying, unschooled consume and subordinate language. I used it only to point of reference my other ascendents.Jovinelly, Joan, and Netelkos, Jason. The crafts and culture of the Vikings. wise York, Ny The Rosen create Group, Inc, 2002. Most of this phonograph record was craft projects for children. however in the rogue or two of knowl edge virtually Viking religion, I was told astir(predicate) the most historic asp viperects of Viking religion. Which was very all- weighty(a) for the disposal of my paper. It also had all of the things that I knew that had to be in my paper. I dont compliments to be less informatory than a childrens book.Meadows, Edmund. The Pre Ragnarok Viking Gods. www. viking-z. org, January 31, 2010 < http//www. viking-z. org/vikg. hypertext mark-up language >. This source was a round overwhelming. It had a haul of selective development that I used, but a pickle of things compound in that either was a bit too deep, or that were closely(predicate) actually practicing the Viking religion. So I was constrained to look through with(predicate) it all, and extract out the things that were germane(predicate) to my paper. moreover on the ingenious side, the data I found was very swell, and it helped me a great deal with my research.Roberts, Judson. Myth and Religion. www. st rongbowsaga. com, date accessed lthttp//www. strongbowsaga. com/introduction. asp>. This evidence I found on the strongbow saga website was very profitable. It had Copernican discipline on all of the topics I be after to cover in the course of my paper. There was a critical note on all of the main gods and sorcerous beings. As well as culture on the worship practices of the Vikings. There was also, include in the manuscript, the high hat interpretation I could bechance on the creation of the earth story. With a enough rotund of the end of the world.Simpson, Jacqueline. normal liveliness In The Viking Age. London, England Jarrold and Sons Ltd, 1967. This option was very similar to day-after-day life history of the Vikings. It had a lot of the same information. The main difference was that it was one-time(a) and contained pictures relating to the gods, or rites describe in the passage. only if it, as was the former, was very useful, and had a lot of information. Including a alarming broadside of a Viking funeral. That was one of the scoop up things about these two books. They had passages from the journals of people who had witnessed Viking ghostly rites. It was good to get maiden hand accounts.Wolf, Kirsten. effortless animation of The Vikings. Westport, CT Greenwood Press, 2004. This book was super helpful. It gave me a lot of invaluable information on subjects the other sources hardly touched on. such(prenominal) as the sources for all of the knowledge we have of Viking religion today. It also tells about each of the important gods, and Viking practices involving worship, funerals, and the dead. It turns out that the Vikings were very superstitious of their dead people. It was very socialise to read about.Unknow. hurt the Gods and Goddesses of the Norse Pantheon. www. wizardrealm. com, Janurary 31, 2010 < http//www. wizardrealm. com/norse/gods. hypertext mark-up language >. This went into a lot of level about each and e very one of the known Norse gods. It was very useful in the muckle of my enunciate where I was lecture about all of the important Viking gods. that sadly, it wasnt very special, and didnt tell me anything that I couldnt have gotten from another of my resources. The best thing I can learn about it is that is condensed the information about each god nicely. But there ceaselessly has to be one (or two) of those.